I'm Already Pregnant Can I Drink Parsley to Induce Period

Like many of us, I have a love/hate relationship with my period.

Using a Diva Cup solves most of my menstrual annoyances from my life.

But periods CAN still be annoying, including coming early sometimes and late at other times.

I once planned to use parsley to induce menstruation. Here's the step-by-step information, process, and results.

Editor's note: Herbal remedies are not without side effects. This article is not medical advice. It is not written by a doctor. This is a personal story.

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Why You Might Want to Use Parsley To Induce Menstruation

Your period is your business, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! If you want to take birth control that lets you skip it all together, go for it!

And if you want to try sketchy internet remedies to make it come faster, well… that's also your business, but please don't forget that that's what this is!

I wanted to make my period come early because I was headed to Burning Man.

Maybe you have:

  • A wedding coming up.
  • A trip planned.
  • Some reason you simply have to wear white pants.

If your period is a week away and you need it here now, using parsley to induce menstruation is one of your options.

Can You Use Parsley To Induce Menstruation?

Short answer: maybe.

Glancing around online will give you many, many stories of people successfully using parsley to induce menstruation.

On the other hand, my own experience (below) was QUITE unsatisfactory.

There's no way to know the ratio of satisfactory attempts to unsatisfactory attempts.

And remember that some of the success stories are of people whose periods were going to start that day anyway, even if they had done nothing.

We are in totally unscientific territory here!

Should You Use Parsley To Induce Menstruation?

My story includes sticking parsley in my vagina.

You SHOULD NOT do this.

I was dumb. It didn't even work for me.

For other women, it can lead to death.

If you stick with parsley tea, hopefully the worst that happens is that you are totally grossed out.

It's up to you to evaluate whether it's worth it to try to start your period early.

I would make a different choice today. Between my Diva Cup and my re-usable menstrual pads, my period doesn't give me much trouble. I wouldn't take any risks to change my menstrual cycle.

How To Use Parsley To Induce Menstruation

To try using parsley to induce menstruation, you're going to make and drink parsley tea.

Here are the steps:

  1. Loosely chop up fresh parsley.
  2. Boil 2-3 cups of water.
  3. Add chopped parsley to boiling water and remove from heat.
  4. Let steep for 30 minutes.
  5. Add seasonings to taste. (Hint: nothing will make it delicious.)
  6. Drink 2-3 times a day until your period starts.

My Story of Using Parsley to Induce Menstruation

I have PCOS and a very long luteal phase to my menstrual cycle. I typically ovulate around day 14 and then don't bleed for at least three more weeks, sometimes 4.

At the start of this experiment I was at least a week from when I would normally start my period. I was headed to Burning Man in a week and wanted to get my period out the way.

Making Parsley Tea

I bought several bunches of fresh parsley for this experiment.

I put 5 coffee cups of water in a pot and brought it to a boil.

Then I added one full bunch of parsley and one bunch with the stems removed and steeped it for 30 minutes.

I drank my first cup around noon.

Parsley Tea Is Disgusting

The tea tasted like complete ass. If you like root vegetables, maybe you wouldn't hate it. It reminded me of beets or turnips or something, which I fucking hate. Joshua said it wasn't too bad, but I couldn't stand it.

I read some recommendations to add honey, which I tried. Ugh! That was worse. Sweetness was the completely wrong combination for this veggie taste. I think you'd have better luck with salt and oregano or something if you really wanted to try flavoring it.

The burps were extra nasty.

How Much To Drink To Start Menstruation

I had no idea how much I should drink. This article says to drink it four times a day until your period starts, and she's had success each time within a day.

I was making things up as I went along.

I drank a cup at noon, one at 12:30, and one at 1:00. Then I decided to take a break from the nastiness. I'd drink the remaining two cups later in the day.

At 2:00, my stomach started to feel upset. I hoped it was the beginning of cramps, rather than just an upset tummy. 15 minutes later, I was in the bathroom with awful diarrhea.

Around 3:00 I decided to try another cup. When I brought the tea to my mouth, I experienced a full-body NO! Just smelling it made me tense up and want to vomit. I decided I wouldn't drink any more.

Fully Committing To The Experiment

I wanted to give this experiment the full possibility of succeeding. But I also didn't want to drink any more.

At 4:00 I made a vaginal suppository instead. Oh yeah. I went there.

Editor's note: Don't do this.

This means I wrapped parsley in cheese cloth, formed it into an appropriate shape, and put it in my vagina. Getting it in there was a fairly silly endeavor.

The suppository was very uncomfortable to wear, so I went to bed and figured I'd use the opportunity to take a nap.

At around 5:00, an hour after inserting the parsley, I woke up, with a very distinct, "Get this stuff OUT of me" feeling.

Editor's note: Ya think??

I took the suppository out, then immediately had to go to the bathroom with more diarrhea.

That was it! No more parsley for me!

The Disappointing Results

The next day, I had some very tiny spotting. Barely pink on the toilet paper. Spotting is not normal for me, so I was excited that this might actually have worked!

Unfortunately, over the next few days I continued to have the barest of spotting, but my period did not start.

Finally, on Saturday, 5 days after using the parsley, my period started pretty much right on time. However, usually I have 1-2 days of VERY heavy flow, followed by 5-6 days of medium flow. This time, I had no heavy flow, only a light flow.

And then, in worst-case scenario, I had a light flow for the next 14 days!!!

My Conclusion

I can't guarantee that it was using the parsley that altered my period so drastically. I did go to Burning Man during this time, which is a high-stress physical environment. However, I started my period before going, so the lack of early heavy bleeding can't be blamed on Burning Man.

I will not try using this method again. The parsley made me very sick, didn't start my period early, and may have contributed to the light, very long, very annoying period.

Are you interested in learning more about herbal medicine?

If my parsley tale didn't warn you off for good, here are a couple of resources for more ideas.

One beautiful book is Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family.

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The Amazon description says:

"Promote vibrant health and radiant beauty, soothe everyday ailments, and ease persistent stress with these simple, natural cures for everything from dry skin and infant colic to cold symptoms and insomnia. Renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar provides 175 proven therapies and herbal remedies that are easy to prepare and safe enough for children.  Offering a potent and effective alternative to commercial pharmaceuticals, Gladstar will inspire you to nurture yourself and those you love with nature's healing herbs."

Another comprehensive option is Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is herbal-medicine-993x1200.jpg

From the Amazon description:

"With 550 key herbs and their uses as natural remedies for nearly 200 common ailments,Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine is the definitive home reference to healing with the world's oldest form of medicine. From ginger to lavender and thyme to dandelion, learn about the chemistry of plants and how and why they work as medicines within the body. Information on habitat and cultivation, parts used, active constituents, therapeutic properties, and traditional and current uses are described in a unique photographic plant index, and instructions on growing, harvesting, and processing your own home treatments are detailed."

I'm Already Pregnant Can I Drink Parsley to Induce Period

Source: https://www.babyschooling.com/learning-center/life-guides/using-parsley-to-induce-menstruation-results/

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